jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2007


41.- The Awakening

Aang awakens to find himself aboard a captured Fire Nation ship with a full head of hair and sustaining serious injuries from the previous battle for Ba Sing Se. At his side are Katara, Sokka, and their father Hakoda who recount the events that led the four to the ship and contemplate their next move. Aang struggles to fight his own desire to face the Fire Lord before he is ready. Meanwhile, the once exiled Prince Zuko deals with his own issues as he makes his long-awaited journey home, with the fear of his father's rejection hanging over his head.

42.- The Headband
43.- The Painted Lady
44.- Sokka's Master
45.- The Beach
46.- TBA
47.- The Runaway
48.- The Puppetmaster
49.- Nightmares and Daydreams

3 comentarios:

secasema dijo...

Muy Bueno se Ve
YA!!!, QUE SEA 21

Anónimo dijo...

No puedo esperar mas!!! Yo quiero ver el capitulo :D


secasema dijo...

pa quien lo quiera traducido esta aqui